Friday, February 27, 2009

The Truth about Wikipedia

When it is time to do research on something, especially when it is something you do not particularly care for, it is often easier just to take whatever is easiest to come across. Many times one will find that wikipedia is the first thing that always pops up when someone searches for something on the internet. I think that students a lot of time will read what it has to say and will use that to try and back up whatever he or she is trying to say. What many students do not realize is that Wikipedia is not a reliable source. The reason for this is because ANYONE can go and change anything that they read. Therefore you might find people changing things just to do it, or just because it sounds better on their part.

I personally have never used Wikipedia for any research just for the simple fact that my teachers always make it clear that it is not allowed, but I think that when teachers state that it is not allowed they should explain why. Many times students will just think that the teachers are trying to make it hard on them. Maybe if the teachers took the time to show the students why they do not want them to use Wikipedia the students would understand and appreciate it. If you are a teacher wanting some information to share with your students you can review the same sites i did which were:
Wired Story

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