Tuesday, March 10, 2009


These podcast were great! I think that every future and maybe even current teacher should watch them. They inspired me to be a better teacher! It should me that if a teacher takes a little time to be more then just a traditional teacher then the children will love it! The actually enjoyed the activity that they were doing and I believe that they learned more from it. It was not just about memorizing something for the test. They actually did it and knew about it! I am more inspired to be a hands-on teacher.

A Night in The Global Village was a great podcast to teach the children to work together. They all had different types of supplies and they had to use a little bit of what everyone had to make things work. Not only did it teach the child to work together but it also showed them how things were in other parts of the world. Many times children think that everyone lives the same way they do. What they do not realize is many times they are a lot better off then many other children around them and around the world! This activity taught the children a lot about our diverse world.

I have to say that the Edible Schoolyard was my favorite out of the two! I loved how the teacher allowed the students to actually grow their own stuff. I think this allows the students to really get involved in what they are doing. Not only are they involved in the activity but they are actually LEARNING what is going on. They learn about the steps it takes, how it works, and about the products it produces. I think if every teacher took the time to allow their students to learn like this there would be more students who loved learning and attending school.

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